Gwendolyn Remmert

Shared and common responsibility of state and business for a society worth living in: This core idea of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights immediately excited me. Understanding the global sustainability challenges and developing solutions has guided my actions since the beginning of my education. I am convinced that politics, business and society, and thus people in very different functions, need to work together to achieve the global sustainability goals.
Since 2010, my professional career has been focused exactly on these interfaces - in Germany and with my international network. As a consultant, speaker and moderator, I have designed and facilitated important multi-stakeholder processes for the implementation of human rights due diligence, such as the German National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights (NAP) or the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles. A comparable balance of interests is often necessary within companies as well. In my work, as a leading expert in the implementation of human rights due diligence, I find practical solutions while remaining true to the fundamental ideas and values. The deep conviction that a more just, dignified and partnership-oriented global economy is guides my work.
Before founding Sustainable Links, I worked as a human rights expert and senior manager at the DAX corporation Continental, where I embedded human rights due diligence as part of the sustainability strategy. Before that, I worked as a GIZ project manager in the Textile Partnership on the practical implementation of human rights in the textile industry, advised the German Foreign Office in the development of the German National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights, and served as a human rights officer for the German Global Compact Network.
I studied political science, economics and public law (M.A.) in Darmstadt and Berlin.